If you have not changed your toothbrush in a while, it is time to do that. You might not realize it, but dentists recommend that you replace your manual toothbrush about once every three to four months and that you replace your electric toothbrushes about once every one to two months. If your electric toothbrush has detachable bristle heads, you can just replace the bristle head.
But, there are other times when you should replace your toothbrush as well. If you are dealing with any of the issues described here, replace your toothbrush.
If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, now's the time for a new toothbrush. There are a couple of reasons why you need a new toothbrush after being diagnosed with gum disease. First, your old toothbrush can continue spreading bacteria through your mouth. Second, your old toothbrush might contribute to your gum disease. That is especially true if you use a manual toothbrush.
You can also get your teeth and gums cleaner with an electric toothbrush. And, electric toothbrushes reduce gum recession and tooth decay.
If you keep your toothbrush out on the bathroom counter, it is time for a replacement. You might not know it, but leaving your toothbrush out on the counter can increase the risk of contamination. Studies show that every time you flush the toilet, a mist of particles erupts into the air. That mist can contain urine and feces.
If your toothbrush is left on the counter, the bristles can get contaminated by the mist. That is why you replace your old toothbrush. Once you have your new toothbrush, keep it stored in the bathroom cabinet to prevent repeat contamination.
If you have been sick, do not go back to using the same toothbrush. Your toothbrush bristles hold onto all the germs and bacteria that are in your mouth. That includes the germs you collected while you were sick. Using the same toothbrush could reinfect you with the same virus. To prevent that, replace your toothbrush whenever you recover from an illness.
If your mouth does not feel as clean as it should after you brush your teeth, you might have the wrong toothbrush. That is especially true if your breath does not smell as fresh as it should. Some toothbrushes do not get into all the cracks and crevices inside your mouth and between your teeth. Unfortunately, that can leave a buildup of plaque on your teeth.
To get your teeth as clean as they can be, replace your old toothbrush. If you are not sure which toothbrush is right for you, talk to your dentist. They can help you choose the right toothbrush for your dental needs.
If you are not sure which toothbrush is yours in the bathroom, you could suffer from cross-contamination. That is especially true if you have shared the same toothbrush with someone else. Sharing the same toothbrush can spread germs and bacteria. It can also increase your risk of dental infections. Reduce those risks by investing in a new toothbrush. Also, mark your toothbrush so you know which one is yours.
Do not let the wrong toothbrush ruin your smile. Replacing your old toothbrush is essential to good oral health. The right toothbrush can brighten your smile, remove plaque, and freshen your breath. If you have questions or concerns about your dental health, give us a call. We are here to care for all your dental needs.